Concept & Detailed Engineering Design & Design Reviews
- Detailed design of turbine regulating mechanism conversion to grease-free operation at Whakamaru PS
- Concept and detailed design for retrofitting a turbine up-thrust bearing at Atiamuri PS
- Design of governor oil cooling system and hydraulic spares supply: Balambano PS (PT Inco / Indonesia)
- Design and manufacture of compressed air after-cooler upgrade (PT Inco / Indonesia)
- Design of generator transformer cooling conversion at Roxburgh PS
- Detailed design of several shell and tube bearing heat exchangers
- Detailed design reviews for several turbine and generator upgrade projects

Governor tuning test at Atiamuri p.s. (Mercury)

San Clemente p.s. (Colbun S.A.)
- Plant Performance Investigations
- Technical Specifications & Contracts
- Turbine Hydraulic Model Test Witnessing
- Hydro Development Studies
- Site Supervision
- Participation on Independent Panel of Experts (IPoE)
- Concept & Detailed Engineering Design & Design Reviews
- Comprehensive Dam Safety Reviews
- Technical Specialist Advice and Engineering Support
During the past 11 years Hydropower Engineering has provided Mighty River Power Ltd with prompt, competent service relating to our hydro turbine governors on the Waikato River We value highly our working relationship and look forward to future opportunities to benefit from Hydropower Engineering’s extensive expertise.
Tony Cserney
Governor Engineer
Mighty River Power Ltd